Debenham (cont.)
Marjoram, John  b. 1882
Marjoram, Lydia  b. between 1857 and 1859
Marjoram, Mary Elizabeth  b. circa 1880
Marjoram, Samuel  b. between 1850 and 1852, d. before 1932
Marjoram, William  b. 1891, d. 1917
Marshal, Elizabeth  b. between 1821 and 1826
Marshall, Cyril Victor  b. 1913, d. 1947
Marshall, Elizabeth Maria  b. 1863, d. before 1926
Marshall, Ernest Eliezar  b. 1881
Marshall, Julia  b. between 1865 and 1867
Martin, James  b. between 1808 and 1810
Martin, Jane Anne  b. between 1808 and 1810, d. 1867
Matthews, James  b. between 1821 and 1826
Mayes, Frederick  b. 1894, d. 1918
Mayhew, Sarah  b. between 1755 and 1757, d. 1829
Mayhew, Susan  b. between 1831 and 1833
Metcalfe, Mary Jane  b. between 1833 and 1835
Miles, Frank  b. 1884
Miles, Jonathan William  b. between 1852 and 1854
Miles, Philip  b. between 1888 and 1890
Miller, Bertie  b. 1891, d. 1917
Miller, Catherine Airey  b. 1871
Miller, Emma  b. between 1873 and 1875
Miller, Hannah  b. between 1802 and 1804
Miller, Hannah Rachel  b. 1879
Miller, Herbert Ernest  b. 1896, d. 1916
Miller, Jane  b. between 1868 and 1870
Miller, Lionel  b. 1880
Miller, Martin  b. between 1879 and 1881
Miller, William  b. between 1841 and 1843
Miller, William  b. 1881
Millett, Millie Gwendoline  b. 1915
Millett, William Edward John  b. 1882, d. 1918
Mills, Alfred  b. circa 1890, d. 1891
Mills, Alfred Ernest  b. circa 1890
Mills, Alice Maud  b. 1886
Mills, Ann  b. between 1793 and 1795
Mills, Charles  b. 1810
Mills, Charles  b. between 1855 and 1857
Mills, Charlotte  b. before 1828, d. 1906
Mills, Edith Mary  b. 1906
Mills, Eliza  b. between 1855 and 1857
Mills, Elizabeth  b. 1787
Mills, Emma  b. between 1863 and 1865
Mills, Emma  b. 1883
Mills, Frederick  b. circa 1861
Mills, George  b. 1821
Mills, Gladys Emma  b. 1903
Mills, Harry  b. between 1861 and 1863
Mills, Harry  b. 1901, d. circa 1959
Mills, Jane  b. between 1866 and 1868
Mills, John  b. 1824
Mills, John  b. between 1864 and 1866
Mills, Lydia  b. between 1858 and 1860
Mills, Mary  b. between 1862 and 1864, d. before 1939
Mills, Mary Ann  b. between 1813 and 1815
Mills, Michael  b. 1833
Mills, Rachel  b. between 1857 and 1859
Mills, Sarah  b. between 1850 and 1852
Mills, Stanley George  b. 1897, d. 1903
Mills, Stanley Victor  b. 1907
Mills, Thomas
Mills, Thomas
Mills, Thomas  b. between 1781 and 1786, d. before 1844
Mills, Thomas  b. 1831, d. before 1911
Mills, Thomas  b. circa 1861, d. 1935
Mills, Thomas  b. 1893
Mills, Violet Eliza  b. 1896, d. before 1919
Mitchell, Amelia  b. between 1832 and 1834
Mitchell, Christiana Amelia  b. between 1811 and 1813
Mitchell, Robert  b. between 1818 and 1820
Moore, Arthur Henry  b. between 1859 and 1861, d. 1927
Moore, Arthur Shulver  b. 1903, d. 1980
Moore, Charles  b. between 1807 and 1809, d. 1885
Moore, Constance May  b. 1895, d. 1966
Moore, Elizabeth  b. between 1768 and 1770, d. 1847
Moore, Emily  b. between 1843 and 1845, d. 1923
Moore, Emily  b. 1888, d. 1977
Moore, Emma Elizabeth  b. between 1869 and 1871, d. 1931
Moore, Horace  b. circa 1851, d. 1883
Moore, Ivan Richard  b. 1932
Moore, Lionel Henry  b. 1788, d. 1857
Moore, Lionel Welham MRCSE  b. between 1817 and 1819, d. 1876
Moore, Margaret Caroline  b. between 1849 and 1850, d. 1942
Moore, Sarah  b. between 1796 and 1801
Moore, Walter Redvers  b. 1900, d. 1965
Moore, William  b. between 1830 and 1832
Mortimer, Edward Ernest  b. between 1872 and 1874, d. before 1911
Mortimer, Horace Edward  b. between 1887 and 1889
Mortimer, Louisa  b. between 1882 and 1884
Mortimer, Louisa  b. 1882
Mortimer, Rose Ann  b. between 1874 and 1876
Mortimer, William  b. between 1877 and 1879
Moss, Priscilla  b. between 1801 and 1806, d. 1874
Moulton, Benjamin  b. between 1884 and 1886
Moyse, Agnes H  b. between 1889 and 1891
Moyse, Elizabeth  b. between 1860 and 1862
Moyse, Emma  b. between 1821 and 1826
Moyse, Ernest V  b. between 1886 and 1888
Moyse, Gertrude L  b. between 1883 and 1885
Moyse, Herbert W  b. between 1882 and 1884
Moyse, James  b. between 1771 and 1776
Moyse, James Jacob  b. between 1847 and 1849
Moyse, Joseph  b. circa 1850
Moyse, Mark  b. 1817, d. 1890
Moyse, Rebecca  b. between 1853 and 1855
Moyse, Sarah  b. between 1846 and 1848
Mullinger, Henry  b. between 1835 and 1837
Murton, Eliza  b. between 1804 and 1806, d. 1892
Murton, Isaac  b. between 1770 and 1772, d. 1858
Musgrave-Brown, Christopher Taylor Musgrave
Mutimer, Alice Mary  b. between 1896 and 1898
Mutimer, Charles  b. between 1893 and 1895
Mutimer, William James  b. between 1894 and 1896, d. 1935
Mutley, Richard
Mutley, Richard
Muttick, Albert Edward  b. 1879, d. 1968
Muttick, Amy Florence  b. 1908
Muttick, Stanley Albert  b. 1904
Neave, Frederick Ellis  b. 1886, d. 1945
Newson, Charles  b. between 1857 and 1859
Newson, Ellen  b. circa 1880
Newson, Ellen S  b. between 1870 and 1872
Newson, John  b. between 1825 and 1827
Newson, Mary Ann  b. between 1853 and 1855, d. before 1901
Nichols, Elizabeth
Norman, Herbert  b. 1861
Norris, Anne A  b. between 1830 and 1832
Norris, Fanny Maria  b. 1837
Norris, George  b. before 1828
Norris, James  b. between 1802 and 1804
Norris, Mary  b. between 1832 and 1834
Nunn, Esther  b. between 1778 and 1780, d. before 1862
Nunn, James
Nunn, Lydia  b. 1752
Oakley, Edward Charles  b. between 1867 and 1869
Offord, Alfred  b. between 1851 and 1853
Offord, Charles James  b. between 1850 and 1852
Offord, Mahala  b. between 1855 and 1857
Offord, Mary  b. between 1857 and 1859
Oldfield, Bertha Charlotte  b. between 1883 and 1885
Osborne, Charles  b. between 1805 and 1807
Osborne, Emma  b. between 1823 and 1825
Osborne, Thomas Gt.
Osbourne, Mary
Otley, Drusilla  b. between 1822 and 1824
Paddock, William Peters  b. 1860, d. 1941
Page, Alice Mary Ann  b. 1865
Page, Ann  b. 1852
Page, Anna Maria  b. 1869
Page, Arthur  b. between 1829 and 1831
Page, Arthur Flaxman  b. 1867
Page, Augustus James  b. 1869
Page, Edward George  b. 1860
Page, Edwin William  b. 1871
Page, Emily Louisa  b. 1865
Page, Fanny Anna Maria  b. 1863
Page, Harriett Ann  b. 1862, d. before 1928
Page, Jasper George  b. 1854, d. 1940
Page, John Henry  b. 1856
Page, John Henry Flaxman  b. 1873
Page, Mabel Alice  b. 1886
Page, Millicent Elizabeth  b. 1878
Page, Rosanna Amy  b. 1861
Page, Sidney Robert  b. 1875
Page, Thomas  b. 1826, d. 1891
Page, Walter
Page, William Gooding  b. 1847, d. 1895
Page, William John  b. 1902
Pallant, Albert  b. between 1904 and 1906
Pallant, Ambrose  b. between 1845 and 1847
Pallant, Benjamin  b. between 1843 and 1845
Pallant, Edward  b. between 1848 and 1850
Pallant, Emily  b. between 1886 and 1888
Pallant, Emily Rose  b. 1886
Pallant, Emma  b. between 1896 and 1898
Pallant, Fanny  b. between 1886 and 1888
Pallant, Frederick  b. between 1866 and 1868
Pallant, Frederick  b. between 1888 and 1890
Pallant, George  b. between 1839 and 1841
Pallant, Hannah  b. 1877
Pallant, Hannah  b. 1897
Pallant, Harry William  b. between 1885 and 1887
Pallant, Henry  b. between 1853 and 1855
Pallant, Herbert  b. between 1907 and 1909
Pallant, Jack  b. between 1904 and 1906
Pallant, James  b. between 1850 and 1852
Pallant, John  b. between 1808 and 1810
Pallant, John  b. 1833
Pallant, John  b. between 1865 and 1867
Pallant, John  b. 1898
Pallant, Kate  b. between 1889 and 1891
Pallant, Louisa  b. between 1891 and 1893
Pallant, Louise  b. between 1890 and 1892
Pallant, Lucy  b. 1864, d. 1943
Pallant, Mary Ann  b. between 1835 and 1837
Pallant, Robert  b. between 1841 and 1843
Pallant, Robert  b. circa 1900
Pallant, Robert  b. circa 1910
Pallant, Rose  b. between 1902 and 1904
Pallant, Rose Anna  b. 1892
Pallant, Sarah  b. between 1873 and 1875
Pallant, Susanna  d. before 1751
Pallant, Thomas  b. before 1839
Pallant, Thomas  b. between 1867 and 1869
Pallant, William  b. between 1832 and 1834
Pallant, William  b. between 1858 and 1860
Pallent, Dorothy Eileen  b. 1917
Pallent, Thomas Ambrose  b. 1892, d. 1957
Palmer, Henry  b. between 1778 and 1780
Palmer, John
Palmer, Maria  b. between 1804 and 1806, d. before 1868
Palmer, William
Parker, Albert George  b. between 1892 and 1894, d. 1918
Parker, Arthur  b. between 1844 and 1846
Parker, Charlotte  b. between 1808 and 1810, d. 1888
Parker, Edward  b. between 1872 and 1874
Parker, Elisa  b. between 1834 and 1836
Parker, Ellen  b. between 1840 and 1842
Parker, Ellen  b. between 1863 and 1865
Parker, Emily  b. between 1872 and 1874
Parker, Emma  b. between 1836 and 1838
Parker, Evelyn  b. between 1901 and 1903
Parker, Frank Henry  b. 1890
Parker, George  b. between 1844 and 1846
Parker, Hannah  b. between 1820 and 1822
Parker, Harriett  b. between 1839 and 1841
Parker, Isaac  b. between 1819 and 1821
Parker, James  b. between 1806 and 1808
Parker, Jane  b. between 1833 and 1835
Parker, Jane  b. between 1833 and 1835, d. before 1902
Parker, John  b. between 1880 and 1882
Parker, Joseph  b. between 1814 and 1816
Parker, Louisa  b. between 1848 and 1850
Parker, Maggie Mary  b. 1888, d. 1891
Parker, Maryann  b. between 1838 and 1840
Parker, Maryann  b. between 1864 and 1866
Parker, Robert  b. between 1775 and 1777
Parker, Robert  b. circa 1850
Parker, Samuel  b. between 1804 and 1806, d. before 1888
Parker, Samuel  b. between 1848 and 1850
Parker, Samuel  b. between 1899 and 1901
Parker, Sarah  b. between 1844 and 1846
Parker, Stanley G  b. between 1906 and 1908
Parker, Thomas  b. between 1873 and 1875
Parker, William  b. between 1831 and 1833
Parker, William  b. between 1842 and 1844
Parker, William  b. between 1846 and 1848
Paveley, Joan May  b. before 1920
Paveley, Thomas Alfred  b. 1918, d. 1983
Peake, William
Pearce, George (Rev.)
Peck, Albert Edward  b. between 1882 and 1884
Peck, Archibald  b. 1896, d. 1983
Peck, Claude Henry  b. 1905
Peck, Doris  b. 1891
Peck, Emma  b. between 1844 and 1846
Peck, Florence  b. 1885
Peck, Frances Emily  b. 1888, d. 1973
Peck, Henry James  b. between 1859 and 1861, d. before 1937
Peck, Herbert William  b. between 1864 and 1866, d. 1910
Peck, James  b. between 1814 and 1816, d. before 1877
Peck, John  b. between 1853 and 1855, d. 1905
Peck, Norman Frederick  b. between 1886 and 1888
Peck, Olive  b. 1898
Peck, Robert  b. between 1786 and 1788
Peck, Robert Wright  b. between 1849 and 1851
Peck, Roland Robert  b. 1901, d. 1929
Peck, Spencer  b. 1894, d. 1917
Peck, Stanley James  b. 1893, d. before 1969
Peck, William  b. between 1840 and 1842
Peck, William  b. 1888, d. 1916
Pells, John  b. between 1724 and 1726
Percy, Anna Maria  b. between 1864 and 1866, d. 1919
Percy, Edward  b. between 1870 and 1872, d. 1920
Percy, Ellen  b. 1827, d. 1850
Percy, Jane  b. between 1830 and 1832
Percy, John  b. between 1801 and 1803, d. 1878
Percy, John Hotspur  b. between 1837 and 1839, d. 1902
Perry, Alice  b. between 1872 and 1874
Perry, Annie Marion Louise  b. 1910
Perry, Caroline  b. between 1846 and 1848
Perry, Delilah  b. between 1860 and 1862
Perry, Edward  b. between 1825 and 1827
Perry, Eliza  b. 1819
Perry, Eliza  b. between 1850 and 1852
Perry, Elvina  b. between 1852 and 1854
Perry, Emily  b. before 1866
Perry, Fanny  b. between 1838 and 1840, d. before 1845
Perry, George  b. 1822, d. before 1897
Perry, George  b. between 1852 and 1854
Perry, Harry  b. between 1884 and 1886, d. circa 1951
Perry, Henry  b. between 1844 and 1846
Perry, John  b. between 1774 and 1776, d. before 1853
Perry, John  b. between 1830 and 1831
Perry, Mary  b. 1811, d. before 1874
Perry, Mary  b. between 1868 and 1870
Perry, Samuel  b. circa 1851
Perry, Susan
Perry, Susan  b. 1843
Perry, William  b. between 1861 and 1863
Perry, Winifred Kathrine Doris  b. 1910
Peters, Maria  b. between 1834 and 1836, d. before 1892
Pettit, Martha  b. between 1776 and 1777, d. before 1838
Pipe, Harry Ernest  b. 1913, d. 1943
Plamping, Anna  b. 1844
Plamping, Catherine  b. between 1833 and 1835
Plamping, Henry Green  b. before 1842
Plant, Charles  b. between 1848 and 1850, d. before 1856
Plant, Eliza  b. between 1834 and 1836
Plant, Frederick  b. 1806, d. before 1879
Plant, Frederick  b. between 1833 and 1835
Plant, John  b. 1807, d. before 1896
Plant, Mary Ann  b. between 1839 and 1841
Plant, Sarah  b. between 1853 and 1855
Plant, William  b. between 1837 and 1839
Pleasance, Dorothy  b. between 1891 and 1893
Pleasance, Florence  b. between 1904 and 1906
Pleasance, John  b. between 1856 and 1858
Podd, Edward George Egerton  b. between 1816 and 1818, d. 1884
Pollard, Alfred  b. between 1869 and 1871
Pollard, Arthur  b. 1865, d. before 1922
Pollard, Caroline  b. before 1843
Pollard, Charles  b. between 1832 and 1834
Pollard, Charlotte  b. between 1831 and 1833
Pollard, Daisy Winifred  b. 1904
Pollard, Dorothy Annie  b. 1902
Pollard, Edward Henry  b. between 1885 and 1887
Pollard, Eliza  b. between 1833 and 1835
Pollard, Emma  b. 1823
Pollard, Ernest Walter  b. 1897, d. 1973
Pollard, Fanny Mary Ann  b. between 1863 and 1865
Pollard, Frederick  b. between 1853 and 1855
Pollard, Hannah  b. between 1842 and 1844
Pollard, Henry  b. between 1827 and 1829
Pollard, Henry  b. between 1838 and 1840
Pollard, Henry  b. between 1867 and 1869
Pollard, Jessie M  b. between 1889 and 1891
Pollard, John  b. between 1801 and 1806
Pollard, John  b. between 1803 and 1805
Pollard, John  b. 1828
Pollard, Jonathan  b. 1804
Pollard, Mary Ann  b. 1821
Pollard, Rebecca  b. 1835
Pollard, Rose Florence  b. between 1908 and 1909
Pollard, Samuel  b. between 1797 and 1799
Pollard, Samuel  b. 1825
Pollard, William  b. between 1815 and 1817, d. 1902
Pollard, William  b. 1831
Pollard, William  b. between 1841 and 1843
Pool, Anna Eliza  b. 1832, d. 1845
Pool, Robert Zachariah  b. 1830
Poole, Agnes  b. between 1842 and 1844
Poole, Alice Mary  b. 1862, d. 1940
Poole, Anna Maria  b. circa 1861
Poole, Charlotte  b. between 1839 and 1841
Poole, Henry William  b. 1859
Poole, James  b. 1802
Poole, James  b. between 1849 and 1851
Poole, Robert  b. between 1801 and 1803, d. 1881
Poole, Walter  b. between 1842 and 1844
Poole, William  b. 1836, d. 1863
Poole, William  b. between 1844 and 1846
Pooley, Albert  b. between 1838 and 1839
Pooley, Arthur  b. between 1835 and 1836
Pooley, Benjamin  b. between 1779 and 1781
Pooley, Elizabeth  b. between 1833 and 1834
Pooley, Louisa  b. between 1841 and 1842
Pooley, Warren  b. 1814
Potter, Charlotte  b. 1807
Potter, Ellen  b. circa 1860
Potter, Hannah  b. between 1849 and 1851
Potter, Henry  b. between 1853 and 1855
Potter, James  b. 1819
Potter, James  b. between 1859 and 1861
Potter, Mary  b. between 1811 and 1816, d. before 1839
Potter, Mary Ann  b. between 1848 and 1850
Potter, Robert  b. between 1861 and 1863
Potter, Samuel  b. 1816, d. before 1881
Potter, Samuel  b. between 1851 and 1853
Potter, Susan  b. between 1801 and 1803
Potter, Thomas  b. between 1845 and 1847
Powell, Arthur  b. between 1807 and 1809, d. 1861
Powell, Horace  b. circa 1850
Powell, Mary  b. between 1843 and 1845
Pratt, Alice Sophia  b. 1888
Pratt, Caroline H  b. between 1877 and 1879
Pratt, Cecil Henry  b. 1896
Pratt, Esther  b. between 1913 and 1915
Pratt, Helen  b. between 1911 and 1913
Pratt, Jemima  b. between 1796 and 1798, d. before 1885
Pratt, Laura L  b. between 1879 and 1881
Pratt, Maryanne E  b. between 1875 and 1877
Pratt, William Henry  b. between 1915 and 1917
Prentice, Sophia  b. between 1809 and 1811, d. before 1891
Prentice, William Walter  b. between 1852 and 1854
Prime, Sarah Ann  b. between 1823 and 1825, d. 1897
Pritty, Minnie Maria A  b. 1874
Pyat, Joseph
Pyat, Joseph
Pyat, Robert  b. between 1748 and 1750, d. before 1834
Pyatt, Joseph  b. between 1716 and 1718, d. before 1798
Pyatt, Robert
Pyatt, Robert
Pybrook, Edward
Pyett, Alice  b. circa 1911
Pyett, Alice M  b. between 1877 and 1879
Pyett, Arthur  b. between 1853 and 1855, d. before 1925
Pyett, Arthur  b. between 1909 and 1911
Pyett, Charles Henry  b. 1908
Pyett, Edward  b. between 1816 and 1821
Pyett, Eliza  b. between 1835 and 1837
Pyett, Elizabeth  b. between 1844 and 1846
Pyett, Ellen  b. between 1848 and 1850
Pyett, Emily  b. between 1837 and 1839
Pyett, Henry William  b. between 1860 and 1865, d. before 1939
Pyett, John
Pyett, John
Pyett, John  b. between 1776 and 1781, d. before 1841
Pyett, John  b. between 1784 and 1786, d. before 1861
Pyett, John  b. between 1817 and 1819
Pyett, John  b. 1817
Pyett, Jonathan
Pyett, Jonathan  b. 1813
Pyett, Mary  b. between 1811 and 1813
Pyett, Rachel  b. between 1833 and 1835, d. 1878
Pyett, Rebecca  b. between 1838 and 1840
Pyett, Robert  b. between 1841 and 1842
Pyett, Samuel  b. 1823
Pyett, Samuell
Pyett, William  b. between 1815 and 1817
Pyett, William  b. 1815
Quinton, Mary  b. between 1825 and 1827
Race, Wallis Edgar  b. between 1887 and 1889
Rainbird, Anne  b. between 1821 and 1826
Rainbird, Samuel  b. between 1790 and 1792
Rainbird, Samuel  b. between 1815 and 1817
Rainbird, Thomas  b. between 1821 and 1826
Rands, Elizabeth  b. between 1864 and 1866
Rands, Joseph  b. between 1820 and 1822
Rands, Joseph  b. between 1825 and 1827
Rands, Sarah  b. between 1805 and 1810, d. 1843
Ransom, Elizabeth  b. between 1835 and 1837, d. before 1901
Ransome, Eliza  b. between 1821 and 1826
Ray, William Frederick  b. 1890, d. 1917
Read, Donald  b. between 1909 and 1910
Read, Rose  b. 1888
Read, Thomas John  b. between 1887 and 1889, d. 1906
Reeve, Owinus M. A.
Reeve, William  b. between 1871 and 1873
Revans, Edward
Reynolds, Althea Laura  b. 1875, d. 1969
Reynolds, Maria  b. between 1795 and 1797, d. 1858
Ribbans, Archibald  b. between 1876 and 1878
Ribbans, Charles  b. between 1879 and 1881
Ribbans, William  b. between 1882 and 1884
Rigby, Henry  b. between 1815 and 1817
Ringe, Emma  b. 1812, d. 1895
Rivers, Jeremiah William  b. 1886
Rivron, Rosaline Alexandra  b. between 1863 and 1865
Roberts, John  b. between 1761 and 1766
Robinson, Hannah  b. between 1793 and 1795, d. 1861
Rodbard, John  b. before 1723
Rogers, Susan  b. between 1822 and 1824
Rolfe, Fanny  b. 1868
Rookwood, Mary  b. between 1785 and 1787, d. before 1878
Roper, Emily Theobald  b. between 1849 and 1851
Roper, Hannah  b. between 1801 and 1806
Roper, Marian  b. between 1821 and 1823, d. 1858
Roper, Sarah  b. between 1791 and 1796
Roper, William  b. between 1816 and 1818
Rose, Alfred John  b. between 1894 and 1896, d. 1917
Rose, Bessie  b. between 1901 and 1903
Rose, Caroline  b. 1865
Rose, Ellen  b. between 1830 and 1832
Rose, Hannah  b. after 1822
Rose, Samuel  b. between 1880 and 1882
Rose, Susannah  b. between 1858 and 1860
Rosher, George  b. 1911
Rosher, Herbert  b. 1916
Rosher, Mary Elizabeth  b. 1900
Rosher, Nelson Victor  b. 1909, d. 1969
Rosher, Walter Charles  b. 1906, d. 1981
Rosier, John  b. 1877
Rosier, Mary  b. 1879
Rosier, Robert  b. between 1778 and 1780
Rowe, Albert  b. between 1891 and 1893
Rowe, Albert  b. 1909
Rowe, Alice Emily  b. 1888
Rowe, Ann Maria  b. between 1865 and 1867
Rowe, Annie Elizabeth  b. between 1885 and 1887
Rowe, Arthur  b. between 1861 and 1863
Rowe, Bertie  b. between 1883 and 1885
Rowe, Caroline  b. between 1857 and 1858
Rowe, Clara  b. between 1884 and 1886
Rowe, Eleanor  b. 1835
Rowe, Ellen  b. between 1887 and 1889
Rowe, Elsie Catherine  b. between 1887 and 1889
Rowe, Emelia  b. between 1840 and 1842
Rowe, Emma  b. before 1833
Rowe, Eric Laurence  b. 1920
Rowe, Ethel Beatrice Maud  b. 1893
Rowe, Florence  b. between 1886 and 1888
Rowe, Frederick William  b. 1907
Rowe, George  b. between 1853 and 1855, d. before 1927
Rowe, George  b. 1890, d. 1916
Rowe, Hannah  b. 1840, d. 1907
Rowe, Helen  b. 1880
Rowe, Isaac  b. between 1831 and 1832
Rowe, Jacob  b. between 1830 and 1832
Rowe, John  b. between 1786 and 1788
Rowe, John  b. between 1855 and 1856
Rowe, Kate Lilian  b. between 1889 and 1891
Rowe, Laura  b. between 1894 and 1896
Rowe, Laurence George  b. 1895
Rowe, Maria  b. between 1828 and 1830
Rowe, Norman Hinckley  b. 1900, d. before 1945
Rowe, Rose  b. between 1889 and 1891
Rowe, Samuel  b. 1820
Rowe, Samuel  b. between 1863 and 1865
Rowe, Stanley  b. between 1905 and 1906
Rowe, William  b. between 1836 and 1838
Rowe, William  b. between 1837 and 1839, d. before 1921
Rowe, William  b. between 1873 and 1875
Rowlins, John  b. between 1854 and 1856
Rozier, Agnes Lily  b. 1885
Rozier, Ernest David  b. 1883, d. 1916
Ruffles, Cassey Valerian May  b. 1908, d. 1964
Ruffles, George  b. between 1868 and 1870, d. before 1875
Ruffles, Guy Lester  b. 1910
Ruffles, Harold Herbert  b. 1901, d. 1920
Ruffles, Joy Myrtle Rowena  b. 1896
Ruffles, Olive Ruth Victoria  b. 1898
Ruffles, Queenie Madge  b. 1902
Ruffles, Ronald W  b. 1942, d. before 2021
Ruffles, Stanley William  b. 1899, d. 1918
Ruffles, William  b. 1868, d. 1911
Rumsey, Alice Mary  b. between 1856 and 1858
Rumsey, Fanny  b. between 1843 and 1845, d. 1857
Rumsey, Frederick William  b. 1911, d. 1988
Rumsey, George  b. between 1847 and 1849, d. 1912
Rumsey, George  b. circa 1890
Rumsey, Hannah  b. between 1843 and 1845
Rumsey, James  b. 1814, d. 1865
Rumsey, Lionel  b. circa 1850, d. 1931
Rumsey, Lionel Wesley  b. 1921, d. 1921
Rumsey, Mary  b. between 1784 and 1786
Rumsey, Susan  b. between 1845 and 1847, d. 1895
Rumsey, William  b. between 1782 and 1784, d. before 1856
Rumsey, William  b. between 1839 and 1841
Rumsey, William  b. between 1849 and 1851
Rumsey, William Curtis  b. 1876, d. 1946
Runacres, Betsey  b. between 1840 and 1842
Runacres, John  b. between 1821 and 1823
Runacres, Robert  b. between 1837 and 1839
Runacres, Thomas  b. between 1811 and 1816
Runnacles, Anthony
Runnacles, Rebecca  b. between 1841 and 1843
Rush, Anne  b. between 1791 and 1796
Rutherford, William M. A.
Sallows, Fanny Sarah  b. 1876
Sallows, Henry William  b. 1868, d. before 1889
Sallows, William John  b. 1880, d. 1922
Sally, (?)
Salter, Arthur George  b. 1896, d. 1918
Salter, Barritt  b. between 1834 and 1836, d. 1905
Salter, Charles  b. between 1872 and 1874
Salter, Emma  b. between 1881 and 1883
Salter, Frederick  b. between 1861 and 1863
Salter, George  b. between 1866 and 1868
Salter, Jane  b. 1857
Salter, Lucy  b. between 1832 and 1834
Salter, Margaret
Salter, Mary Ann  b. circa 1860
Salter, Rosa  b. 1869
Salter, Sarah  b. between 1859 and 1861, d. before 1932
Salter, Sarah Ann  b. 1851
Salter, Spencer William  b. 1893, d. 1917
Salter, William
Salter, William  b. between 1820 and 1822
Salter, William  b. between 1821 and 1823
Sampson, Rebecca  b. between 1844 and 1846, d. before 1880
Saunders, Edward Alfred  b. 1900
Saunders, Jean Barbara  b. 1929
Saunders, Norton George  b. 1897, d. 1972
Sawyer, Charles Henry  b. circa 1860
Sawyer, Elizabeth  b. between 1856 and 1858
Sawyer, James  b. between 1788 and 1790
Sawyer, Jonathan  b. between 1833 and 1835
Sawyer, Lydia  b. 1795, d. 1880
Sawyer, Susan  b. before 1826
Scales, Hannah  b. between 1832 and 1834
Scarfe, Ada  b. between 1884 and 1886
Scarfe, Daniel  b. between 1887 and 1889
Scarfe, Harry  b. between 1889 and 1891
Scoggings, Hannah  b. between 1843 and 1845
Scoggins, Charles  b. circa 1850
Scoggins, Hannah  b. between 1846 and 1848
Scoggins, Jarvis  b. between 1844 and 1846
Scoggins, William  b. between 1848 and 1850
