Return from the 1851 Census Of Religious Worship
[Population 301.] [Area 1208a]
Endowed with rent charge, £150; glebe, £40. Sittings free 1/2 (75), * others 0 (75):* total about 150 or more perhaps. Present afternoon 90+36 scholars. Remarks Single duty every Sunday. Plenty of accomodation for inhabitants of parish. I cannot really say how many free sittings. Signed Henry V Pickering, Curate (See NOTE), [Earl Soham] [Undated] (7)
Ownership: Class II. Average attendance: mornings 40. Holy Communion four times a year; average of 10 communicants. Vicar: the Revd. N. Wood, inst 1819. Many Dissenters: Baptists (increasing), and 1 or 2 Methodists.
NOTE: Mr. Pickering was paid £40 a year; also curate of Brandeston (£60 a year).1
Suffolk Churches
Further details on our Church can be found on Simon's Suffolk Churches Website All Saints, Kenton
- [S64] T. C. B. Timmins, 1851 Census Of Religious Worship.