1841 Census Records for Debenham.

The 1841 Census was taken on the night of Sunday, 6th June, 1841.

HO107 / 1038 / 1  
County of Suffolk (Parliamentary Division)
Hundred, Wapentake, Soke of Liberty of Thredling
Parish of Debenham (Part of)
Township of  
City, or Borough, or Town, or County Corporate of  
Within the Limites of the Parliamentary Boundary of the City or Borough of  
Within the Municipal Boundary of  
Superintendent Registrar's District Bosmere and Claydon
Registrar's District Debenham
No. of Enumeration District 1
Description of ditto  
All that part of the Parish of Debenham which lies on the East of the road leading from Aspall to Winston.

HO107 / 1038 / 2  
County of Suffolk (Parliamentary Division)
Hundred, Wapentake, Soke of Liberty of Thredling
Parish of Debenham (Part of)
Township of  
City, or Borough, or Town, or County Corporate of  
Within the Limites of the Parliamentary Boundary of the City or Borough of  
Within the Municipal Boundary of  
Superintendent Registrar's District Bosmere and Claydon
Registrar's District Debenham
No. of Enumeration District 2
Description of ditto  
All that part of the Parish of Debenham which lies on the West of the road leading from Aspall to Winston.

Heads Of The Households

The following is a list of the "Heads of the Household" in the Parish on the date of the Census. For the 1841 Census only the ED is shown - there are no Schedule Numbers.

Not everyone has been transcribed yet, contact Suzie if there is someone in particular you want information about.

Bedingfield, JamesDebenham
Wythe, JohnDebenham
Summers, JohnDebenham
Fisk, WilliamDebenham
Gooding, ThomasDebenham
Gooding, AmassDebenham
Gooding, SamuelDebenham
Spall, WilliamDebenham
Gooding, WilliamDebenham
James, ThomasDebenham
Gooding, AbrahamDebenham
Jacob, JohnDebenham
Gooding, WilliamDebenham
Turner, JoshuaDebenham
Turner, JonathanDebenham
Marjoram, JohnDebenham
Curtis, WilliamDebenham
List, RobertDebenham
Pallant, JohnDebenham
Mills, ThomasDebenham
Thurkettle, SamuelDebenham
Baker, MaryDebenham
Perry, JohnDebenham
Cullum, GeorgeDebenham
Beecroft, WilliamDebenham
Butcher, SamuelDebenham
Fulcher, CharlesDebenham
Collins, SamuelDebenham
Roberts, JohnDebenham
Gunn, Fenn QuarryDebenham
Pyett, WilliamDebenham
Nunn, EstherDebenham
Howes, RobertDebenham
Tydeman, EdmundDebenham
Last, SamuelDebenham
Last, WilliamDebenham
Brown, ArthurDebenham
Field, EdwardDebenham
Fairweather, GeorgeDebenham
Rumsey, WilliamDebenham
Gardner, ThomasDebenham
Harvey, SamuelDebenham
Howlett, Devereux JessopDebenham
Turner, DanielDebenham
Garrard, WilliamDebenham
Browse, WilliamDebenham
Kersey, WilliamDebenham
Frost, AmbroseDebenham
Berry, BenjaminDebenham
Abbott, HenryDebenham
Gillings, WilliamDebenham
Wyand, WilliamDebenham
Long, SamuelDebenham
Simpson, RobertDebenham
Plant, JohnDebenham
Plant, FrederickDebenham
Simpson, JohnDebenham
Tacon, JamesDebenham
Roper, HannahDebenham
Wade, JohnDebenham
Runacres, ThomasDebenham
Last, WilliamDebenham
Last, SamuelDebenham
Driver, FannyDebenham
Thurston, AnnDebenham
Clements, HenryDebenham
Moore, HenryCrow's HallDebenham
Kersey, SamuelGostings HallDebenham
Gunn, RobertStone CottageDebenham
Locke, Edward1Debenham
Last, Joseph1Debenham
Theobald, William1Debenham
Hunt, William1Debenham
Pollard, John1Debenham
Pratt, Jemima1Debenham
Rowe, John1Debenham
Carpenter, Bryant1Debenham
Gooding, Abraham1Debenham
Fairweather, Samuel1Debenham
Taylor, Joseph1Debenham
Doe, Charlotte1Debenham
Thurston, William Amass1Debenham
Powell, Arthur1Debenham
Lanham, Thomas1Debenham
Pollard, Samuel1Debenham
Hayward, Mary1Debenham
Tydeman, William1Debenham
Poole, James1Debenham
Denny, John1Debenham
Pyett, John1Debenham
Amass, George1Debenham
Barker, Thomas Abbott1Debenham
Abbott, John1Debenham
Abbott, Jonathan1Debenham
Church, Sarah1Debenham
Pollard, Jonathan1Debenham
Buxton, Mary1Debenham
Warne, Francis1Debenham
Hunt, Samuel1Debenham
Rainbird, Samuel1Debenham
Percy, John1Debenham
Ship, Joseph1Debenham
Dove, Mary1Home CottageDebenham
Arnold, Deborah1Stone CottageDebenham
Dove, Lionel1Ulverstone HallDebenham
Wade, Mark1White HallDebenham
Bedwell, Thomas1, Page 12Debenham
Bickers, Thomas1, Page 16Debenham
Buxton, David1, Page 16Debenham
Jessop, Henry1, Page 19Debenham
Airey, William1, Page 21Debenham
Peters, John1, Page 22Debenham
Hammond, Mary Ann1, Page 6Debenham
Spall, John1, Page 8Debenham
Barrett, William1, Page 9Debenham
Arnold, Francis2Debenham
Theobald, Edward2Debenham
Fairweather, Robert2Debenham
Taylor, John2Debenham
Parker, Samuel2Debenham
Aldous, William2Debenham
Poole, Robert2Debenham
Wilkinson, Sarah2Debenham
Allen, Hannah2Debenham
Abbott, Mary2Debenham
Smith, William2Debenham
Hatcher, Samuel2Debenham
Pooley, Warren2, Page 10Debenham
Worledge, Brownin2, Page 11Debenham
Buxton, David2, Page 12Debenham
Dove, Samuel2, Page 2Debenham
Cullum, Elizabeth2, Page 2Debenham
Curtis, Jeffery6Debenham