1881 Census Records for Debenham.

The 1881 Census was taken on the night of Sunday, 3rd April, 1881.

The 1881 Census remains the only complete Census that is available online for free via the FamilySearch Website.  Partial transcriptions have been made and are being added to all the time on FreeCEN. See the links page for details.


Superintendent Registrar's District

Bosmere Enumeration District, No 8
Registrar's Sub District Coddenham Name of Enumerator, Mr Jeremiah Mayhew White


[This description is to be written in by the Enumerator from the Copy supplied to him by the Registrar. Any explanatory notes or observations calculated to make the description clearer or more complete, may be added by the Enumerator].

Part of the Parish of Debenham including all the Houses and Cottages on the West Side of the Road leading from Woodbridge to Eye*, the Cherry Tree Inn, and the Green, the Vicarage, Poplar Hall, White Hall, Goslings Hall, Ulverston Hall, Old Hall, Little London and all the Houses and Cottages on both sides of Grace Church Street, the Back Lanes and Chapel Row. * As far as Sir Robert Hitcham's ? School.

Superintendent Registrar's District Bosmere Enumeration District, No 9
Registrar's Sub District Coddenham Name of Enumerator, Mr B Raynham


[This description is to be written in by the Enumerator from the Copy supplied to him by the Registrar. Any explanatory notes or observations calculated to make the description clearer or more complete, may be added by the Enumerator].

Part of the Parish of Debenham on the East side of the Road leading from Woodbridge to Eye including the East side of "The Street" Crows Hall, Hill House, White House Corporation, Farm? Pages, Mill & Cottages, Hill Farm, Cross Green and Cottages,  Gas House and Cottages, Gull Farm, Red House Farm, Belwell Cottages and Collins Cottages.  

Heads Of The Households

The following is a list of the "Heads of the Household" in the Parish on the date of the Census.

Freeman, JosephBrices FarmDebenham
Eade, JamesStonham RoadDebenham
Collins, SamuelAspall RoadDebenham
Freeman, JohnThe RowDebenham
Gooding, AmassThe RowDebenham
Gooding, LucyThe RowDebenham
Ruffles, GeorgeThe RowDebenham
Gooding, AbrahamThe StreetDebenham
Page, ThomasMill, Kenton High RoadDebenham
Peck, Henry JamesThe StreetDebenham
Gillings, Robert WilliamPriory PlaceDebenham
Peck, WilliamThe StreetDebenham
Howlett, PeterStonham RoadDebenham
Gooding, JohnCross GreenDebenham
Markham, HenryThe StreetDebenham
Gooding, WilliamThe Cross GreenDebenham
Marjoram, JohnThe StreetDebenham
Locke, Edgar AlgarThe StreetDebenham
Locke, Edward RobertThe StreetDebenham
Western, Anne CharlotteThe VicarageDebenham
Aldous, WilliamThe Cross GreenDebenham
Last, ThomasChurch RowDebenham
Kerry, JamesChurch RowDebenham
List, RobertThe StreetDebenham
Mutimer, JamesWetheringsett RoadDebenham
Bond, WalterChurch Low, The StreetDebenham
Allard, ElizaThe StreetDebenham
Barrett, Mary AnnThe StreetDebenham
Barrett, AlfredCherry Tree GreenDebenham
Hailes, JosephThe Cross GreenDebenham
Pallant, JohnStonham YardDebenham
Mills, JohnStonham RoadDebenham
Perry, HenryThe StreetDebenham
Ablett, AnnThe StreetDebenham
Ellis, GeorgeCherry Tree GreenDebenham
Garneys, JaneWhite HouseDebenham
Hurrell, Joseph"Causeway"Debenham
Bickers, WilliamWater LaneDebenham
Sparrow, EdwinChurch RowDebenham
Wright, SusannahThe StreetDebenham
Carter, ThomasThe StreetDebenham
Gardner, ThomasThe StreetDebenham
Aldous, EdwardThe StreetDebenham
Smith, BenjaminThe Cross GreenDebenham
Brown, Belisaint Medyet KilletStonham YardDebenham
Dixon, ThomasIpswich RoadDebenham
Chenery, ArthurThe Cross GreenDebenham
Arnold, MaryThe StreetDebenham
Peters, MariaPriory PlaceDebenham
Hubbard, WilliamDebenham
Miller, WilliamGracechurch StreetDebenham
Hipperson, ThomasFalcon InnDebenham
Cracknell, CharlesThe Cross GreenDebenham
Curtis, MaryChurch Row, The streetDebenham
Last, JamesThe Cross GreenDebenham
Sparrow, GeorgeThe StreetDebenham
Crowfoot, HenryGracechurch StreetDebenham
Rumsey, LionelThe StreetDebenham
Frost, HenryKenton High RoadDebenham
Allard, WilliamKenton High RoadDebenham
Whyand, WilliamGrace Church StreetDebenham
Moyse, MarkGrace Church StreetDebenham
Rowe, WilliamPoplar Hall Low FarmDebenham
Smith, ThomasLondon HillDebenham
Garneys, MaryThe StreetDebenham
Hatcher, Samuel8, 004The StreetDebenham
Fairweather, Lionel8, 005Church Tower, The StreetDebenham
Thain, George8, 011Church Row, The StreetDebenham
Smith, John8, 016Church RowDebenham
Brady, John8, 019Church RowDebenham
Edwards, Sarah Ann8, 020Church RowDebenham
Smith, Daniel8, 024Church RowDebenham
Curtis, Robert8, 029Debenham
Howes, Harry8, 043Cherry Tree GreenDebenham
Whyand, William8, 049Grace Church StreetDebenham
Bryant, Thomas Fenn8, 054White HallDebenham
Airey, Samuel8, 055Debenham
Rosier, David8, 056Ulverston HallDebenham
Garnham, Arthur8, 058Old HallDebenham
Pollard, William8, 060Wethringsett RoadDebenham
Hammond, Frederick William8, 061Aspal RoadDebenham
Parker, Samuel8, 065Little LondonDebenham
Corner, Mary8, 080Gracechurch StreetDebenham
Cullum, Charles8, 081Grace Church StreetDebenham
Gillings, Rachel8, 082Grace Church StreetDebenham
Scott, Mary8, 082Grace Church StreetDebenham
Smith, William8, 083Grace Church StreetDebenham
Aldous, Sally M8, 083Grace Church StreetDebenham
Taylor, Samuel8, 087Grace Church StreetDebenham
Rands, Joseph8, 088Grace Church StreetDebenham
Cooper, William8, 089Grace Church StreetDebenham
Cook, John8, 090Grace Church StreetDebenham
Marjoram, William8, 091Grace Church StreetDebenham
Aldous, Henry W8, 092Grace Church StreetDebenham
Spall, Henry8, 093Grace Church StreetDebenham
Smith, Charles8, 094Grace Church StreetDebenham
Salter, Barritt8, 095Grace Church StreetDebenham
Salter, William8, 096Grace Church StreetDebenham
Spall, George8, 097Grace Church StreetDebenham
Hunt, William8, 098Grace Church StreetDebenham
Hunt, John8, 099Grace Church StreetDebenham
Hunt, John Sheldrake8, 099Grace Church StreetDebenham
Scott, James8, 100Grace Church StreetDebenham
Scott, John8, 101Grace Church StreetDebenham
Scott, John8, 101Grace Church StreetDebenham
Pollard, Eliza8, 102Grace Church StreetDebenham
Wade, Edward8, 103Grace Church StreetDebenham
Hunt, William8, 104Grace Church StreetDebenham
Cullum, Elizabeth8, 105Grace Church StreetDebenham
Pratt, Jemima8, 106Grace Church StreetDebenham
Gillings, John8, 107Grace Church StreetDebenham
Sallows, William8, 108Grace Church StreetDebenham
Pollard, Henry8, 109Grace Church StreetDebenham
, Rebecca8, 110Vine Cottage, Grace Church StreetDebenham
Curtis, Dennis Williams8, 111Grace Church StreetDebenham
Willby, Luke8, 112Grace Church StreetDebenham
Smith, John8, 113Stonham RoadDebenham
Andrews, George8, 114Stonham RoadDebenham
Gunn, Henry Edward8, 115Mill House, Stonham RoadDebenham
Read, John William8, 116Goslings HallDebenham
Page, William Gooding8, 117The StreetDebenham
Locke, Elizabeth Susannah8, 118Stone House, The StreetDebenham
Percy, John Hotspur8, 119Watchmakers Shop, The StreetDebenham
, Sarah8, 120The StreetDebenham
Jessop, Devereux8, 121Red Lion Inn, The StreetDebenham
Firth, Eustace8, 122The StreetDebenham
Churchyard, Elizabeth8, 123The Kings Head Inn, The StreetDebenham
Abbott, Henry8, 124The Street, General ShopDebenham
Spall, John8, 126The StreetDebenham
Ribbans, Robert8, 127The StreetDebenham
, Sarah Ann8, 128The StreetDebenham
Bedwell, Robert8, 129The StreetDebenham
Andrews, Richard8, 131The StreetDebenham
Thurkettle, Hannah8, 132Bakers, Office & Confectionary Shop, TheDebenham
Turner, Daniel8, 133The StreetDebenham
Gillings, George8, 134The StreetDebenham
Lockwood, Robert8, 135The StreetDebenham
Gardner, William8, 136The StreetDebenham
Jackson, Abraham8, 137The Congregational Chapel, The StreetDebenham
Wythe, Daniel8, 138The StreetDebenham
List, Robert8, 139The StreetDebenham
Fulcher, Jonathan8, 140The StreetDebenham
Parker, James8, 141The StreetDebenham
Simpson, Charles8, 142The StreetDebenham
Bedwell, Sarah8, 143The StreetDebenham
Gooding, Samuel8, 144The StreetDebenham
Clarke, Robert8, 145The StreetDebenham
Last, William8, 146The StreetDebenham
Cullum, Henry8, 147The StreetDebenham
Miller, John8, 148The StreetDebenham
Taylor, Frederick8, 149The StreetDebenham
Theobald, Samuel8, 150The StreetDebenham
Wythe, Caleb8, 151The StreetDebenham
Hurren, James8, 152The StreetDebenham
Rolfe, Charles8, 154Prince Of Wales, The StreetDebenham
Archer, George Thomas8, 155The StreetDebenham
Kent, William8, 156The StreetDebenham
Hammond, Mary8, 157The StreetDebenham
Last, Joseph8, 158The StreetDebenham
, Sarah8, 159The StreetDebenham
Hurrell, Samuel8, 160The StreetDebenham
, Eliza8, 161The StreetDebenham
Pullee, Mary8, 162Sir Robert Hitcham's Endowed SchoolDebenham
Hurrell, James8, 163Back LaneDebenham
Peters, John8, 164Back LaneDebenham
Spall, Charles8, 165Back LaneDebenham
Eglin, Betsy8, 166Back LaneDebenham
Simpson, William8, 167Back LaneDebenham
Barrett, Emma8, 168Back LaneDebenham
Newson, John8, 169Back LaneDebenham
Taylor, Lydia8, 170Back LaneDebenham
Plant, John8, 171Back LaneDebenham
Brett, Mary Ann8, 172Back LaneDebenham
Roper, William8, 173Back LaneDebenham
Marjoram, Samuel8, 174Back LaneDebenham
Staff, Mary8, 175Back LaneDebenham
Fairweather, Lionel8, 176Back LaneDebenham
Spall, William8, 177No. 1 and 2 Chapel RowDebenham
Kersey, Samuel8, 178No. 4 Chapel RowDebenham
Tydeman, Ephraim8, 179No. 6, Chapel RowDebenham
Summers, William8, 180No. 7, Chapel RowDebenham
Gillings, Edward8, 181No. 11, Chapel RowDebenham
Gillings, John8, 1828 Chapel RowDebenham
Wythe, John8, 183The Mount, Chapel RowDebenham
Gooding, Francis8, 184Darrow BrookDebenham
Browes, James8, 185Roamwood GreenDebenham
White, Jeremiah Mayhew8, 186Cross HillDebenham
Gulston, William8,125The StreetDebenham
Turner, Thomas9, 007The StreetDebenham
Amass, John9, 010The StreetDebenham
Carter, Joshua9, 011The StreetDebenham
Murton, Eliza9, 016The StreetDebenham
Warren, George9, 025The StreetDebenham
Rowe, George9, 026The StreetDebenham
Hayward, Jonathan9, 032The RowDebenham
Kersey, George9, 040Cross GreenDebenham
Simpson, Robert9, 044The Cross GreenDebenham
Wade, George9, 046The Cross GreenDebenham
Hammond, James9, 047The Cross GreenDebenham
Slator, Mercy9, 052The Cross GreenDebenham
Perry, George9, 056The StreetDebenham
Kerridge, David9, 063The StreetDebenham
Kerridge, George9, 064The StreetDebenham
Podd, Edward George Egerton9, 068The StreetDebenham
Moore, Charles9, 071Crows HallDebenham
Sparrow, Charles9, 073Priory PlaceDebenham
Wade, Robert9, 075Priory PlaceDebenham
Turner, Edmund9, 081CausewayDebenham
Kerridge, David9, 084The DoveDebenham
Smith, Samuel9, 088The StreetDebenham
Turner, Jonathan9, 091The StreetDebenham
Smyth, George H9, 109Corporation FarmDebenham
Simpson, James9, 116Kenton High RoadDebenham
Capon, John Urban9, 117Hill Farm, Kenton RoadDebenham