Herbert Noel Field1

M, #6091, b. between 31 Mar 1886 and 30 Mar 1888
     Copyright © 1998- by Suzie Morley

The material on this website is subject to copyright. These narratives are my creative work product and are copyrighted. You may copy them for your personal use, but please respect my copyright and do not republish them in any form, including copying them to your tree on Ancestry or elsewhere, unless you have obtained written permission from me.

Many of the images are also copyrighted, and may not be copied without the consent of the copyright holders.
Father*William Benjamin Field1 b. before 8 Apr 1841
Mother*Sarah Jane Beaumont1 b. between 3 Apr 1843 and 1 Apr 1845
     Herbert Noel Field was born between 31 Mar 1886 and 30 Mar 1888 in South Hackney, London, England.1 He was the son of William Benjamin Field and Sarah Jane Beaumont.1


DateHead of HouseholdHousehold
31 Mar 1901William Benjamin FieldHerbert Noel Field was listed as a member of the household of William Benjamin Field in the 1901 census in 4 Dagmar Road, Hackney, London, England. Other people in the household include Sarah Jane Beaumont, Barrington J Field, Albert E Field, William Field and Amy (?)1


31 Mar 1901Confectioners Clerk1
Last Edited=14 Dec 2015


  1. [S3] 1901 Census for England & Wales (online image) "Class: RG13; Piece: 232; Folio: 139; Page: 14."

? Beaumont1

M, #6092
     Copyright © 1998- by Suzie Morley

The material on this website is subject to copyright. These narratives are my creative work product and are copyrighted. You may copy them for your personal use, but please respect my copyright and do not republish them in any form, including copying them to your tree on Ancestry or elsewhere, unless you have obtained written permission from me.

Many of the images are also copyrighted, and may not be copied without the consent of the copyright holders.
Father*? Beaumont1
     ? Beaumont was the son of ? Beaumont.1 ? Beaumont married Amy (?).1

Family: ? Beaumont and Amy (?)

Last Edited=6 Feb 2016


  1. [S3] 1901 Census for England & Wales (online image) "Class: RG13; Piece: 232; Folio: 139; Page: 14."

Amy (?)1

F, #6093, b. between 31 Mar 1861 and 30 Mar 1863
     Copyright © 1998- by Suzie Morley

The material on this website is subject to copyright. These narratives are my creative work product and are copyrighted. You may copy them for your personal use, but please respect my copyright and do not republish them in any form, including copying them to your tree on Ancestry or elsewhere, unless you have obtained written permission from me.

Many of the images are also copyrighted, and may not be copied without the consent of the copyright holders.
     Amy (?) married ? Beaumont, son of ? Beaumont.1 Amy (?) was born between 31 Mar 1861 and 30 Mar 1863 in Grantham, Lincolnshire, England.1

Family: Amy (?) and ? Beaumont


DateHead of HouseholdHousehold
31 Mar 1901William Benjamin FieldAmy (?) was listed as a member of the household of William Benjamin Field in the 1901 census in 4 Dagmar Road, Hackney, London, England. Other people in the household include Sarah Jane Beaumont, Barrington J Field, Albert E Field, William Field and Herbert Noel Field.1


31 Mar 1901Buttonhole Machinist1
Last Edited=14 Dec 2015


  1. [S3] 1901 Census for England & Wales (online image) "Class: RG13; Piece: 232; Folio: 139; Page: 14."

Alice Thompson1

F, #6094, b. between 4 Apr 1837 and 2 Apr 1839
     Copyright © 1998- by Suzie Morley

The material on this website is subject to copyright. These narratives are my creative work product and are copyrighted. You may copy them for your personal use, but please respect my copyright and do not republish them in any form, including copying them to your tree on Ancestry or elsewhere, unless you have obtained written permission from me.

Many of the images are also copyrighted, and may not be copied without the consent of the copyright holders.
Father*Ralph Thompson2
     Alice Thompson was born between 4 Apr 1837 and 2 Apr 1839 in Bloomsbury, Middlesex, England.3 She was the daughter of Ralph Thompson.2 Alice Thompson married Aesculapius Field, son of Dr. Edward Field and Mary Burch, on 21 Feb 1865 in Parish Church, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England. Witnesses were Joseph Catterall & Julia Thompson.2 The marriage of Alice Thompson and Aesculapius Field was registered in the Mar 1865 quarter in the Cheltenham registration district.1 Alice Thompson was the Executor of the estate of Aesculapius Field on 19 Aug 1891; a further executor was Richard Dawes of 9 Angel Court, Throgmorton Street in the city of London, Gentleman.

Personal Estate £15,751 11s. 11d.
Resworn May 1892 £15,833 8s. 5d.
Resworn MArch 1894 £20,904 18s. 4d.4

Family: Alice Thompson and Aesculapius Field


DateHead of HouseholdHousehold
2 Apr 1871Aesculapius FieldAlice Thompson was listed in the 1871 census in 33 Weymose Street, Cavendish Square, St. Marylebone, London, England. In the household of ? Williams.5
3 Apr 1881Aesculapius FieldAlice Thompson was listed in the 1881 census in 79 Southampton Row, Finsbury, St. Geroge Bloomsbury, London, England. Lodgers in the household of John M. Anban.3
5 Apr 1891Aesculapius FieldAlice Thompson was listed as a member of the household of Aesculapius Field in the 1891 census in Del Rey House, Leckhampton, Gloucestershire, England.6


2 Apr 1871130 Captains Wife5
Last Edited=10 Jan 2016


  1. [S12] General Record Office Indexes "Mar 1865 Cheltenham 6a 555."
  2. [S641] Parish Marriage, Parish Church, Cheltenham, 1865.
  3. [S25] 1881 Census for England & Wales (online image) "Class: RG11; Piece: 321; Folio: 12; Page: 20; GSU roll: 1341069."
  4. [S640] Will of Aesculapius Field.
  5. [S15] 1871 Census for England & Wales (online image) "Class: RG10; Piece: 156; Folio: 55; Page: 35; GSU roll: 823298."
  6. [S16] 1891 Census for England & Wales (online image) "Class: RG12; Piece: 2042; Folio: 12; Page: 18; GSU roll: 6097152."

Squire L B Dunt1

M, #6100, b. Sep 1924
     Copyright © 1998- by Suzie Morley

The material on this website is subject to copyright. These narratives are my creative work product and are copyrighted. You may copy them for your personal use, but please respect my copyright and do not republish them in any form, including copying them to your tree on Ancestry or elsewhere, unless you have obtained written permission from me.

Many of the images are also copyrighted, and may not be copied without the consent of the copyright holders.
Father*Bernard A Dunt2
Mother*Lily E A Butcher2
     Squire L B Dunt also went by the name of Leslie Dunt.3 His birth was registered in the Sep 1924 quarter in the Ipswich registration district.2 He was the son of Bernard A Dunt and Lily E A Butcher.2 The marriage of Squire L B Dunt and Pamela I Nicholson was registered in the Dec 1945 quarter in the Ware registration district.4 The marriage of Squire L B Dunt and Joyce E Keeble was registered in the Mar 1972 quarter in the Ipswich registration district.1

Family: Squire L B Dunt and Pamela I Nicholson

Family: Squire L B Dunt and Joyce E Keeble

Last Edited=6 Feb 2016


  1. [S12] General Record Office Indexes "Mar 1972 Ipswich 4b 2198."
  2. [S11] General Record Office Indexes "Sep 1924 Ipswich 4a 1684."
  3. [S308] Private papers of Maxie Keeble "unknown cd."
  4. [S12] General Record Office Indexes "Dec 1945 Ware 3a 2931."

Bernard A Dunt1

M, #6101
     Copyright © 1998- by Suzie Morley

The material on this website is subject to copyright. These narratives are my creative work product and are copyrighted. You may copy them for your personal use, but please respect my copyright and do not republish them in any form, including copying them to your tree on Ancestry or elsewhere, unless you have obtained written permission from me.

Many of the images are also copyrighted, and may not be copied without the consent of the copyright holders.
     The marriage of Bernard A Dunt and Lily E A Butcher was registered in the Mar 1922 quarter in the Ipswich registration district.1

Child of Bernard A Dunt and Lily E A Butcher

Last Edited=6 Feb 2016


  1. [S12] General Record Office Indexes "Mar 1922 Ipswich 4a 1492."
  2. [S11] General Record Office Indexes "Sep 1924 Ipswich 4a 1684."

Lily E A Butcher1

F, #6102
     Copyright © 1998- by Suzie Morley

The material on this website is subject to copyright. These narratives are my creative work product and are copyrighted. You may copy them for your personal use, but please respect my copyright and do not republish them in any form, including copying them to your tree on Ancestry or elsewhere, unless you have obtained written permission from me.

Many of the images are also copyrighted, and may not be copied without the consent of the copyright holders.
     The marriage of Lily E A Butcher and Bernard A Dunt was registered in the Mar 1922 quarter in the Ipswich registration district.1

Child of Lily E A Butcher and Bernard A Dunt

Last Edited=6 Feb 2016


  1. [S12] General Record Office Indexes "Mar 1922 Ipswich 4a 1492."
  2. [S11] General Record Office Indexes "Sep 1924 Ipswich 4a 1684."

Pamela I Nicholson1

F, #6103
     Copyright © 1998- by Suzie Morley

The material on this website is subject to copyright. These narratives are my creative work product and are copyrighted. You may copy them for your personal use, but please respect my copyright and do not republish them in any form, including copying them to your tree on Ancestry or elsewhere, unless you have obtained written permission from me.

Many of the images are also copyrighted, and may not be copied without the consent of the copyright holders.
     The marriage of Pamela I Nicholson and Squire L B Dunt was registered in the Dec 1945 quarter in the Ware registration district.1

Family: Pamela I Nicholson and Squire L B Dunt

Last Edited=23 Aug 2020


  1. [S12] General Record Office Indexes "Dec 1945 Ware 3a 2931."

Frances Marion Weatherall1

F, #6105, b. between 31 Mar 1878 and 30 Mar 1880
     Copyright © 1998- by Suzie Morley

The material on this website is subject to copyright. These narratives are my creative work product and are copyrighted. You may copy them for your personal use, but please respect my copyright and do not republish them in any form, including copying them to your tree on Ancestry or elsewhere, unless you have obtained written permission from me.

Many of the images are also copyrighted, and may not be copied without the consent of the copyright holders.
     Frances Marion Weatherall was born between 31 Mar 1878 and 30 Mar 1880 in Durham, Durham, England.2 The marriage of Frances Marion Weatherall and Ernest Gooding was registered in the Dec 1900 quarter in the Thingoe registration district.1

Children of Frances Marion Weatherall and Ernest Gooding


DateHead of HouseholdHousehold
31 Mar 1901Ernest GoodingFrances Marion Weatherall was listed as a member of the household of Ernest Gooding in the 1901 census in Derry Brook, Debenham, Suffolk, England.2
2 Apr 1911Ernest GoodingFrances Marion Gooding was listed as a member of the household of Ernest Gooding in the 1911 census in Derry Brook, Debenham, Suffolk, England. Other people in the household include Claude Ernest Gooding, Donald William Gooding, Frances Marion Gooding, Marjorie Evelyn Gooding, Doreen Mary Gooding and Lily Parker.3
Last Edited=7 Nov 2019


  1. [S12] General Record Office Indexes "Dec 1900 Thingoe 4a 1561."
  2. [S3] 1901 Census for England & Wales (online image) "Class: RG13; Piece: 1768; Folio: 76; Page: 14."
  3. [S2] 1911 Census for England & Wales (online image) "Class: RG14; Piece: 10752; Schedule Number: 99."
  4. [S36] Microfilm Baptisms, St. Mary Magdalene, Debenham, 1754 to 1899.

Claude Ernest Gooding1

M, #6106, b. 4 Jul 1901, d. before 11 Jan 1918
     Copyright © 1998- by Suzie Morley

The material on this website is subject to copyright. These narratives are my creative work product and are copyrighted. You may copy them for your personal use, but please respect my copyright and do not republish them in any form, including copying them to your tree on Ancestry or elsewhere, unless you have obtained written permission from me.

Many of the images are also copyrighted, and may not be copied without the consent of the copyright holders.
Father*Ernest Gooding1 b. 27 Jul 1873, d. before 1 Nov 1937
Mother*Frances Marion Weatherall1 b. between 31 Mar 1878 and 30 Mar 1880
     Claude Ernest Gooding was born on 4 Jul 1901.2 He was the son of Ernest Gooding and Frances Marion Weatherall.1 Claude Ernest Gooding was baptized on 11 Aug 1901 in St. Mary Magdalene, Debenham, Suffolk, England.2 He died before 11 Jan 1918.3 He was buried on 11 Jan 1918 in St. Mary Magdalene, Debenham, Suffolk, England.3


DateHead of HouseholdHousehold
2 Apr 1911Ernest GoodingClaude Ernest Gooding was listed as a member of the household of Ernest Gooding in the 1911 census in Derry Brook, Debenham, Suffolk, England. Other people in the household include Frances Marion Gooding, Donald William Gooding, Frances Marion Gooding, Marjorie Evelyn Gooding, Doreen Mary Gooding and Lily Parker.1
Last Edited=7 Nov 2019


  1. [S2] 1911 Census for England & Wales (online image) "Class: RG14; Piece: 10752; Schedule Number: 99."
  2. [S36] Microfilm Baptisms, St. Mary Magdalene, Debenham, 1754 to 1899.
  3. [S34] Microfilm Burials, St. Mary Magdalene, Debenham, 1754 to 1899 "unknown cd."

Donald William Gooding1

M, #6107, b. 22 Jun 1904
     Copyright © 1998- by Suzie Morley

The material on this website is subject to copyright. These narratives are my creative work product and are copyrighted. You may copy them for your personal use, but please respect my copyright and do not republish them in any form, including copying them to your tree on Ancestry or elsewhere, unless you have obtained written permission from me.

Many of the images are also copyrighted, and may not be copied without the consent of the copyright holders.
Father*Ernest Gooding1 b. 27 Jul 1873, d. before 1 Nov 1937
Mother*Frances Marion Weatherall1 b. between 31 Mar 1878 and 30 Mar 1880
     Donald William Gooding was born on 22 Jun 1904.2 He was the son of Ernest Gooding and Frances Marion Weatherall.1 Donald William Gooding was baptized on 8 Sep 1904 in St. Mary Magdalene, Debenham, Suffolk, England.2 On 30 Sep 1931, Donald William Gooding was living at Halesworth, Suffolk, England.3 He married Maggie Ellen Rowe, daughter of George Rowe and Annie Reeve, on 30 Sep 1931 in St. Mary Magdalene, Debenham, Suffolk, England. Witnesses were Dorothy Isabel Rowe & Frank Gooding.3

Family: Donald William Gooding and Maggie Ellen Rowe


DateHead of HouseholdHousehold
2 Apr 1911Ernest GoodingDonald William Gooding was listed as a member of the household of Ernest Gooding in the 1911 census in Derry Brook, Debenham, Suffolk, England. Other people in the household include Frances Marion Gooding, Claude Ernest Gooding, Frances Marion Gooding, Marjorie Evelyn Gooding, Doreen Mary Gooding and Lily Parker.1


30 Sep 1931Commercial Motor Driver3
Last Edited=7 Nov 2019


  1. [S2] 1911 Census for England & Wales (online image) "Class: RG14; Piece: 10752; Schedule Number: 99."
  2. [S36] Microfilm Baptisms, St. Mary Magdalene, Debenham, 1754 to 1899.
  3. [S35] Microfilm Marriages, St. Mary Magdalene, Debenham, 1754 to 1899.

Frances Marion Gooding1

F, #6108, b. 14 Sep 1906
     Copyright © 1998- by Suzie Morley

The material on this website is subject to copyright. These narratives are my creative work product and are copyrighted. You may copy them for your personal use, but please respect my copyright and do not republish them in any form, including copying them to your tree on Ancestry or elsewhere, unless you have obtained written permission from me.

Many of the images are also copyrighted, and may not be copied without the consent of the copyright holders.
Father*Ernest Gooding1 b. 27 Jul 1873, d. before 1 Nov 1937
Mother*Frances Marion Weatherall1 b. between 31 Mar 1878 and 30 Mar 1880
     Frances Marion Gooding was born on 14 Sep 1906.2 She was the daughter of Ernest Gooding and Frances Marion Weatherall.1 Frances Marion Gooding was born on 14 Sep 1907.3 She was baptized on 27 Oct 1907 in St. Mary Magdalene, Debenham, Suffolk, England.2 She married Robert Henry Miskin, son of Henry Albert Miskin, on 19 Sep 1931 in St. Mary Magdalene, Debenham, Suffolk, England. Witnesses were Marjorie Evelyn Gooding a further witness was Arthur J Miskin.4

Family: Frances Marion Gooding and Robert Henry Miskin


DateHead of HouseholdHousehold
2 Apr 1911Ernest GoodingFrances Marion Gooding was listed as a member of the household of Ernest Gooding in the 1911 census in Derry Brook, Debenham, Suffolk, England. Other people in the household include Frances Marion Gooding, Claude Ernest Gooding, Donald William Gooding, Marjorie Evelyn Gooding, Doreen Mary Gooding and Lily Parker.1
29 Sep 1939Sidney H GoodingFrances M Miskin was listed as a member of the household of Sidney H Gooding in the 1939 Register in "Derry Brook", Debenham, Suffolk, England. Other people in the household include Muriel E Gooding, Clara L Bayley and Clara E Miskin Plus 3 people whose records are officially closed.3


19 Sep 1931Hospital Nurse4
29 Sep 1939Unpaid Domestic Duties3
Last Edited=1 Feb 2024


  1. [S2] 1911 Census for England & Wales (online image) "Class: RG14; Piece: 10752; Schedule Number: 99."
  2. [S36] Microfilm Baptisms, St. Mary Magdalene, Debenham, 1754 to 1899.
  3. [S624] 1939 National Register for England & Wales (online image) "TXFM Gipping 209/1 Schedule 177."
  4. [S35] Microfilm Marriages, St. Mary Magdalene, Debenham, 1754 to 1899.

Marjorie Evelyn Gooding1

F, #6109, b. 4 Oct 1909
     Copyright © 1998- by Suzie Morley

The material on this website is subject to copyright. These narratives are my creative work product and are copyrighted. You may copy them for your personal use, but please respect my copyright and do not republish them in any form, including copying them to your tree on Ancestry or elsewhere, unless you have obtained written permission from me.

Many of the images are also copyrighted, and may not be copied without the consent of the copyright holders.
Father*Ernest Gooding1 b. 27 Jul 1873, d. before 1 Nov 1937
Mother*Frances Marion Weatherall1 b. between 31 Mar 1878 and 30 Mar 1880
     Marjorie Evelyn Gooding was born on 4 Oct 1909.2 She was the daughter of Ernest Gooding and Frances Marion Weatherall.1 Marjorie Evelyn Gooding was baptized on 8 Nov 1909 in St. Mary Magdalene, Debenham, Suffolk, England.2 An unknown person a further witness was Arthur J Miskin, daughter of Ernest Gooding and Frances Marion Weatherall, on 19 Sep 1931 in St. Mary Magdalene, Debenham, Suffolk, England.3


DateHead of HouseholdHousehold
2 Apr 1911Ernest GoodingMarjorie Evelyn Gooding was listed as a member of the household of Ernest Gooding in the 1911 census in Derry Brook, Debenham, Suffolk, England. Other people in the household include Frances Marion Gooding, Claude Ernest Gooding, Donald William Gooding, Frances Marion Gooding, Doreen Mary Gooding and Lily Parker.1
Last Edited=7 Nov 2019


  1. [S2] 1911 Census for England & Wales (online image) "Class: RG14; Piece: 10752; Schedule Number: 99."
  2. [S36] Microfilm Baptisms, St. Mary Magdalene, Debenham, 1754 to 1899.
  3. [S35] Microfilm Marriages, St. Mary Magdalene, Debenham, 1754 to 1899.

Doreen Mary Gooding1

F, #6110, b. 4 Sep 1910
     Copyright © 1998- by Suzie Morley

The material on this website is subject to copyright. These narratives are my creative work product and are copyrighted. You may copy them for your personal use, but please respect my copyright and do not republish them in any form, including copying them to your tree on Ancestry or elsewhere, unless you have obtained written permission from me.

Many of the images are also copyrighted, and may not be copied without the consent of the copyright holders.
Father*Ernest Gooding1 b. 27 Jul 1873, d. before 1 Nov 1937
Mother*Frances Marion Weatherall1 b. between 31 Mar 1878 and 30 Mar 1880
     Doreen Mary Gooding was born on 4 Sep 1910.2 She was the daughter of Ernest Gooding and Frances Marion Weatherall.1 Doreen Mary Gooding was baptized on 29 Sep 1910 in St. Mary Magdalene, Debenham, Suffolk, England.2


DateHead of HouseholdHousehold
2 Apr 1911Ernest GoodingDoreen Mary Gooding was listed as a member of the household of Ernest Gooding in the 1911 census in Derry Brook, Debenham, Suffolk, England. Other people in the household include Frances Marion Gooding, Claude Ernest Gooding, Donald William Gooding, Frances Marion Gooding, Marjorie Evelyn Gooding and Lily Parker.1
Last Edited=7 Nov 2019


  1. [S2] 1911 Census for England & Wales (online image) "Class: RG14; Piece: 10752; Schedule Number: 99."
  2. [S36] Microfilm Baptisms, St. Mary Magdalene, Debenham, 1754 to 1899.

Lily Parker1

F, #6111, b. between 3 Apr 1892 and 1 Apr 1894
     Copyright © 1998- by Suzie Morley

The material on this website is subject to copyright. These narratives are my creative work product and are copyrighted. You may copy them for your personal use, but please respect my copyright and do not republish them in any form, including copying them to your tree on Ancestry or elsewhere, unless you have obtained written permission from me.

Many of the images are also copyrighted, and may not be copied without the consent of the copyright holders.
     Lily Parker was born between 3 Apr 1892 and 1 Apr 1894 in Earl Soham, Suffolk, England.1


DateHead of HouseholdHousehold
2 Apr 1911Ernest GoodingLily Parker was listed as a Servant in the household of Ernest Gooding in the 1911 census in Derry Brook, Debenham, Suffolk, England. Other people in the household include Frances Marion Gooding, Claude Ernest Gooding, Donald William Gooding, Frances Marion Gooding, Marjorie Evelyn Gooding and Doreen Mary Gooding.1


2 Apr 1911Servant Domestic1
Last Edited=1 Jan 2016


  1. [S2] 1911 Census for England & Wales (online image) "Class: RG14; Piece: 10752; Schedule Number: 99."

Jessie Maria Windle1

F, #6112, b. 8 Oct 1858, d. 18 Jul 1946
     Copyright © 1998- by Suzie Morley

The material on this website is subject to copyright. These narratives are my creative work product and are copyrighted. You may copy them for your personal use, but please respect my copyright and do not republish them in any form, including copying them to your tree on Ancestry or elsewhere, unless you have obtained written permission from me.

Many of the images are also copyrighted, and may not be copied without the consent of the copyright holders.
Father*George Windle2
Mother*Mary Ann (?)3
     Jessie Maria Windle was born on 8 Oct 1858.3,4 She was the daughter of George Windle and Mary Ann (?)2,3 Jessie Maria Windle was baptized on 3 Nov 1858 in St. Mary, St. Marylebone Road, St. Marylebone, Middlesex, England.3 She married George Gooding, son of Francis Gooding and Eliza Cutting, on 25 Apr 1883 in The Parish Church, St. Marylebone, Middlesex, England. Witnesses were George Windle & Clara Lucy Windle.2 On 25 Apr 1883, Jessie Maria Windle was living at 27 Aberdeen Place, St. Marylebone, Middlesex, England.2 The marriage of Jessie Maria Windle and George Gooding was registered in the Jun 1883 quarter in the Marylebone registration district.1 Jessie Maria Windle was the Executor of the estate of George Gooding on 8 Oct 1917 in London, England; Effects £8602 9s. 9d.5 The marriage of Jessie Maria Windle and William Francis Gooding was registered in the Sep 1924 quarter in the Lewisham registration district.6 Jessie Maria Windle was the Executor of the estate of William Francis Gooding on 1 Mar 1934 in London, England; Effects £3441 3s. 9d.5 Jessie Maria Windle died on 18 Jul 1946 in Hook Cottage, Mount View Road, Ruxley, Nr. Claygate, Surrey, England, at age 87.5 Jessie's death was registered in the Sep 1946 quarter in the Surrey North Eastern registration district.7 Her estate was probated on 29 Oct 1946 in London, England; a furthr Executor was Robert Comins Palmer Solicitor. Effects £12054 4s. 6d.5

Children of Jessie Maria Windle and George Gooding

Family: Jessie Maria Windle and William Francis Gooding


DateHead of HouseholdHousehold
5 Apr 1891George GoodingJessie Maria Windle was listed as a member of the household of George Gooding in the 1891 census in 16 & 18 Burns Ash? Road, Lee, London, England. Other people in the household include Mildred Jessie Gooding and William Francis Gooding.8
31 Mar 1901George GoodingJessie Maria Windle was listed as a member of the household of George Gooding in the 1901 census in 19 & 21 Burnt Oak Road, Lee, Lewisham, London, England. Other people in the household include Frank Neville Gooding, Mildred Jessie Gooding and William Francis Gooding.9
2 Apr 1911George GoodingJessie Maria Windle was listed as a member of the household of George Gooding in the 1911 census in The Limes, Baring Road, Grove Park, Lee, London, England. Other people in the household include Frank Neville Gooding, Mildred Jessie Gooding and William Francis Gooding.9
29 Sep 1939Jessie Maria WindleShe was listed in the 1939 Register in Cliff Hotel, Cliff Road, Lymington, Hampshire, England.4


29 Sep 1939Private Means4
Last Edited=28 Oct 2019


  1. [S12] General Record Office Indexes "Jun 1883 Marylebone 1a 957."
  2. [S1038] Microfilm Marriages, St. Marylebone, Westminster, 1754 to 1932.
  3. [S1179] Microfilm Baptisms, St. Mary, St. Marylebone, 1538 - 1975.
  4. [S624] 1939 National Register for England & Wales (online image) "EDSM Lymington 96/1 Schedule 82."
  5. [S1170] Probate of unknown testator.
  6. [S12] General Record Office Indexes "Sep 1924 Lewisham 1d 2507."
  7. [S11] General Record Office Indexes "Sep 1946 Surrey North Eastern 5g 351."
  8. [S16] 1891 Census for England & Wales (online image) "Class: RG12; Piece: 519; Folio: 4; Page: 4; GSU roll: 6095629."
  9. [S3] 1901 Census for England & Wales (online image) "Class: RG13; Piece: 547; Folio: 89; Page: 3."

Mildred Jessie Gooding1

F, #6113, b. between 6 Apr 1886 and 4 Apr 1888, d. 12 Sep 1967
     Copyright © 1998- by Suzie Morley

The material on this website is subject to copyright. These narratives are my creative work product and are copyrighted. You may copy them for your personal use, but please respect my copyright and do not republish them in any form, including copying them to your tree on Ancestry or elsewhere, unless you have obtained written permission from me.

Many of the images are also copyrighted, and may not be copied without the consent of the copyright holders.
Father*George Gooding2 b. Jun 1857, d. 14 Mar 1917
Mother*Jessie Maria Windle2 b. 8 Oct 1858, d. 18 Jul 1946
     Mildred Jessie Gooding was born between 6 Apr 1886 and 4 Apr 1888 in Lee, London, England.2 She was the daughter of George Gooding and Jessie Maria Windle.2 The marriage of Mildred Jessie Gooding and Harold Edgar Webb was registered in the Sep 1916 quarter in the Lewisham registration district.3 Mildred Jessie Gooding died on 12 Sep 1967 in St. Francis Hospital, Haywards Heath, Sussex, England.4 Her estate was probated on 22 Dec 1967 in London, England; Effects £4902.4

Family: Mildred Jessie Gooding and Harold Edgar Webb


DateHead of HouseholdHousehold
5 Apr 1891George GoodingMildred Jessie Gooding was listed as a member of the household of George Gooding in the 1891 census in 16 & 18 Burns Ash? Road, Lee, London, England. Other people in the household include Jessie Maria Windle and William Francis Gooding.2
31 Mar 1901George GoodingMildred Jessie Gooding was listed as a member of the household of George Gooding in the 1901 census in 19 & 21 Burnt Oak Road, Lee, Lewisham, London, England. Other people in the household include Jessie Maria Windle, Frank Neville Gooding and William Francis Gooding.1
2 Apr 1911George GoodingMildred Jessie Gooding was listed as a member of the household of George Gooding in the 1911 census in The Limes, Baring Road, Grove Park, Lee, London, England. Other people in the household include Jessie Maria Windle, Frank Neville Gooding and William Francis Gooding.1


5 Apr 1891Scholar2
Last Edited=28 Oct 2019


  1. [S3] 1901 Census for England & Wales (online image) "Class: RG13; Piece: 547; Folio: 89; Page: 3."
  2. [S16] 1891 Census for England & Wales (online image) "Class: RG12; Piece: 519; Folio: 4; Page: 4; GSU roll: 6095629."
  3. [S12] General Record Office Indexes "Sep 1916 Lewisham 1d 1947."
  4. [S1170] Probate of unknown testator.

Samuel C Nobbs1

M, #6114, b. between 3 Apr 1843 and 1 Apr 1845
     Copyright © 1998- by Suzie Morley

The material on this website is subject to copyright. These narratives are my creative work product and are copyrighted. You may copy them for your personal use, but please respect my copyright and do not republish them in any form, including copying them to your tree on Ancestry or elsewhere, unless you have obtained written permission from me.

Many of the images are also copyrighted, and may not be copied without the consent of the copyright holders.
     Samuel C Nobbs was born between 3 Apr 1843 and 1 Apr 1845 in Lowestoft, Suffolk, England.1


DateHead of HouseholdHousehold
2 Apr 1871Samuel C NobbsHe was listed as head of household in the 1871 census in Grace Church Street, Debenham, Suffolk, England. Other people in the household include George Gooding.1


2 Apr 1871Certificated Schoolmaster1
Last Edited=25 Feb 2025


  1. [S15] 1871 Census for England & Wales (online image) "Class: RG10; Piece: 1742; Folio: 98; Page: 11; GSU roll: 830776."

William Frost1

M, #6115
     Copyright © 1998- by Suzie Morley

The material on this website is subject to copyright. These narratives are my creative work product and are copyrighted. You may copy them for your personal use, but please respect my copyright and do not republish them in any form, including copying them to your tree on Ancestry or elsewhere, unless you have obtained written permission from me.

Many of the images are also copyrighted, and may not be copied without the consent of the copyright holders.
     William Frost married Mary (?).1

Child of William Frost and Mary (?)

Last Edited=6 Feb 2016


  1. [S634] Microfilm Baptisms, St. Mary The Virgin, Parham, 1754 to 1899.

Mary (?)1

F, #6116
     Copyright © 1998- by Suzie Morley

The material on this website is subject to copyright. These narratives are my creative work product and are copyrighted. You may copy them for your personal use, but please respect my copyright and do not republish them in any form, including copying them to your tree on Ancestry or elsewhere, unless you have obtained written permission from me.

Many of the images are also copyrighted, and may not be copied without the consent of the copyright holders.
     Mary (?) married William Frost.1

Child of Mary (?) and William Frost

Last Edited=6 Feb 2016


  1. [S634] Microfilm Baptisms, St. Mary The Virgin, Parham, 1754 to 1899.

Charles Edward Farrow1

M, #6117, b. between 3 Apr 1883 and 1 Apr 1885, d. 4 Mar 1939
     Copyright © 1998- by Suzie Morley

The material on this website is subject to copyright. These narratives are my creative work product and are copyrighted. You may copy them for your personal use, but please respect my copyright and do not republish them in any form, including copying them to your tree on Ancestry or elsewhere, unless you have obtained written permission from me.

Many of the images are also copyrighted, and may not be copied without the consent of the copyright holders.
     Charles Edward Farrow was born between 3 Apr 1883 and 1 Apr 1885 in Stowmarket, Suffolk, England.1 The marriage of Charles Edward Farrow and Rhoda Lilly Hearn was registered in the Sep 1908 quarter in the Stow registration district.2 Charles Edward Farrow died on 4 Mar 1939 in Marron, 9 Kensington Road, Stowmarket, Suffolk, England.3 His estate was probated on 24 Apr 1939 in Ipswich, Suffolk, England; Effects £526 9s.3

Children of Charles Edward Farrow and Rhoda Lilly Hearn


DateHead of HouseholdHousehold
2 Apr 1911Charles Edward FarrowHe was listed as head of household in the 1911 census in The Downs, Stowupland, Stowmarket, Suffolk, England. Other people in the household include Rhoda Lilly Hearn and Leonora Gertrude Hearn.1


2 Apr 1911Tailor (Maker)1
Last Edited=6 Jan 2016


  1. [S2] 1911 Census for England & Wales (online image) "Class: RG14; Piece: 10690; Schedule Number: 62."
  2. [S12] General Record Office Indexes "Sep 1908 Stow, S 4a 1793."
  3. [S636] Administration of Charles Edward Farrow.
  4. [S11] General Record Office Indexes "Dec 1912 Stow, S 4a 1801."
  5. [S11] General Record Office Indexes "Jun 1921 Stow, S 4a 1803."

Rhoda Lilly Hearn1

F, #6118, b. 21 Jan 1882, d. 31 Jan 1941
     Copyright © 1998- by Suzie Morley

The material on this website is subject to copyright. These narratives are my creative work product and are copyrighted. You may copy them for your personal use, but please respect my copyright and do not republish them in any form, including copying them to your tree on Ancestry or elsewhere, unless you have obtained written permission from me.

Many of the images are also copyrighted, and may not be copied without the consent of the copyright holders.
Father*Frederick George Hearn2 b. between 6 Apr 1852 and 4 Apr 1854
Mother*Louisa Ann Bone3 b. between 6 Apr 1853 and 4 Apr 1855
     Rhoda Lilly Hearn was born on 21 Jan 1882.4 She was the daughter of Frederick George Hearn and Louisa Ann Bone.2,3 Her birth was registered in the Mar 1882 quarter in the Stow, S registration district.1 The marriage of Rhoda Lilly Hearn and Charles Edward Farrow was registered in the Sep 1908 quarter in the Stow registration district.5 On 1939, Rhoda Lilly Hearn was living at 9 Kensington Road, Stowmarket, Suffolk, England; One further person is registered at this address, but "This record is officially closed."4 She was the Executor of the estate of Charles Edward Farrow on 24 Apr 1939 in Ipswich, Suffolk, England; Effects £526 9s.6 Rhoda Lilly Hearn died on 31 Jan 1941 in Stowmarket, Suffolk, England, at age 59.7 Rhoda's death was registered in the Mar 1941 quarter in the Gipping registration district.8 Her estate was probated on 21 May 1941 in Ipswich, Suffolk, England; Effects £214 14s. 8d.9

Children of Rhoda Lilly Hearn and Charles Edward Farrow


DateHead of HouseholdHousehold
5 Apr 1891Frederick George HearnRhoda Lilly Hearn was listed as a member of the household of Frederick George Hearn in the 1891 census in Tan Office Road, Combs, Suffolk, England. Other people in the household include Leonora Gertrude Hearn, Louisa Ann Bone, Annie Louisa Hearn, Alfred William Hearn, Frederick George Hearn, Percy Thomas Hearn and Alexander Russel Hearn.3
31 Mar 1901Rhoda Lilly HearnShe was listed in the 1901 census in Stow Union Workhouse, Onehouse, Suffolk, England.10
2 Apr 1911Charles Edward FarrowRhoda Lilly Hearn was listed as a member of the household of Charles Edward Farrow in the 1911 census in The Downs, Stowupland, Stowmarket, Suffolk, England. Other people in the household include Leonora Gertrude Hearn.2


5 Apr 1891Scholar3
31 Mar 1901Officer - Childrens Attendant10
1939Unpaid Domestic Duties4
Last Edited=7 Jan 2016


  1. [S11] General Record Office Indexes "Mar 1882 Stow, S 4a 678."
  2. [S2] 1911 Census for England & Wales (online image) "Class: RG14; Piece: 10690; Schedule Number: 62."
  3. [S16] 1891 Census for England & Wales (online image) "Class: RG12; Piece: 1456; Folio: 42; Page: 11; GSU roll: 6096566."
  4. [S624] 1939 National Register for England & Wales (online image).
  5. [S12] General Record Office Indexes "Sep 1908 Stow, S 4a 1793."
  6. [S636] Administration of Charles Edward Farrow.
  7. [S563] Website Ancestry WW2 Civilian Deaths (http://www.ancestry.co.uk).
  8. [S17] General Record Office Indexes "Mar 1941 Gipping 4a 2503."
  9. [S635] Probate of Rhoda Lilly Farrow.
  10. [S3] 1901 Census for England & Wales (online image) "Class: RG13; Piece: 1760; Folio: 155; Page: 1."
  11. [S11] General Record Office Indexes "Dec 1912 Stow, S 4a 1801."
  12. [S11] General Record Office Indexes "Jun 1921 Stow, S 4a 1803."

Frederick George Hearn1

M, #6119, b. between 6 Apr 1852 and 4 Apr 1854
     Copyright © 1998- by Suzie Morley

The material on this website is subject to copyright. These narratives are my creative work product and are copyrighted. You may copy them for your personal use, but please respect my copyright and do not republish them in any form, including copying them to your tree on Ancestry or elsewhere, unless you have obtained written permission from me.

Many of the images are also copyrighted, and may not be copied without the consent of the copyright holders.
     Frederick George Hearn was born between 6 Apr 1852 and 4 Apr 1854 in Tan Office Road, Combs, Suffolk, England.2 The marriage of Frederick George Hearn and Louisa Ann Bone was registered in the Mar 1872 quarter in the Stow, S registration district.1
     On 2 Apr 1911 9 children born alive, 8 still living, 1 died.3

Children of Frederick George Hearn and Louisa Ann Bone


DateHead of HouseholdHousehold
5 Apr 1891Frederick George HearnHe was listed as head of household in the 1891 census in Tan Office Road, Combs, Suffolk, England. Other people in the household include Leonora Gertrude Hearn, Louisa Ann Bone, Annie Louisa Hearn, Alfred William Hearn, Frederick George Hearn, Percy Thomas Hearn, Alexander Russel Hearn and Rhoda Lilly Hearn.2
31 Mar 1901Frederick George HearnHe was listed as head of household in the 1901 census in Stowmarket Road, Stowmarket, Suffolk, England. Other people in the household include Louisa Ann Bone, Annie Louisa Hearn, Frederick George Hearn, Percy Thomas Hearn, Alexander Russel Hearn, Leonora Gertrude Hearn and Rupert Stanley Hearn.4
2 Apr 1911Frederick George HearnHe was listed as head of household in the 1911 census in Near Post Office, Combs, Suffolk, England. Other people in the household include Louisa Ann Bone, Annie Louisa Hearn, Alexander Russel Hearn and Rupert Stanley Hearn.3


5 Apr 1891Leather Dresser2
31 Mar 1901Leather Dresser4
2 Apr 1911Leather Dresser & Dyer at Tannery3
Last Edited=6 Jan 2016


  1. [S12] General Record Office Indexes "Mar 1872 Stow, S 4a 690."
  2. [S16] 1891 Census for England & Wales (online image) "Class: RG12; Piece: 1456; Folio: 42; Page: 11; GSU roll: 6096566."
  3. [S2] 1911 Census for England & Wales (online image) "Class: RG14; Piece: 10687; Schedule Number: 57."
  4. [S3] 1901 Census for England & Wales (online image) "Class: RG13; Piece: 1761; Folio: 45; Page: 12."
  5. [S2] 1911 Census for England & Wales (online image) "Class: RG14; Piece: 10690; Schedule Number: 62."

Leonora Gertrude Hearn1

F, #6120, b. Mar 1876
     Copyright © 1998- by Suzie Morley

The material on this website is subject to copyright. These narratives are my creative work product and are copyrighted. You may copy them for your personal use, but please respect my copyright and do not republish them in any form, including copying them to your tree on Ancestry or elsewhere, unless you have obtained written permission from me.

Many of the images are also copyrighted, and may not be copied without the consent of the copyright holders.
Father*Frederick George Hearn2 b. between 6 Apr 1852 and 4 Apr 1854
Mother*Louisa Ann Bone3 b. between 6 Apr 1853 and 4 Apr 1855
     Leonora Gertrude Hearn also went by the name of Gertrude Hearn.2 Her birth was registered in the Mar 1876 quarter in the Stow, S registration district.1 She was the daughter of Frederick George Hearn and Louisa Ann Bone.2,3 Leonora Gertrude Hearn was born between 3 Apr 1876 and 1 Apr 1878 in Combs, Suffolk, England.2


DateHead of HouseholdHousehold
5 Apr 1891Frederick George HearnLeonora Gertrude Hearn was listed as a member of the household of Frederick George Hearn in the 1891 census in Tan Office Road, Combs, Suffolk, England. Other people in the household include Louisa Ann Bone, Annie Louisa Hearn, Alfred William Hearn, Frederick George Hearn, Percy Thomas Hearn, Alexander Russel Hearn and Rhoda Lilly Hearn.3
31 Mar 1901Frederick George HearnLeonora Gertrude Hearn was listed as a member of the household of Frederick George Hearn in the 1901 census in Stowmarket Road, Stowmarket, Suffolk, England. Other people in the household include Louisa Ann Bone, Annie Louisa Hearn, Frederick George Hearn, Percy Thomas Hearn, Alexander Russel Hearn and Rupert Stanley Hearn.4
2 Apr 1911Charles Edward FarrowLeonora Gertrude Hearn was listed as a member of the household of Charles Edward Farrow in the 1911 census in The Downs, Stowupland, Stowmarket, Suffolk, England. Other people in the household include Rhoda Lilly Hearn.2


2 Apr 1911Tailoress2
Last Edited=6 Jan 2016


  1. [S11] General Record Office Indexes "Mar 1876 Stow, S 4a 596."
  2. [S2] 1911 Census for England & Wales (online image) "Class: RG14; Piece: 10690; Schedule Number: 62."
  3. [S16] 1891 Census for England & Wales (online image) "Class: RG12; Piece: 1456; Folio: 42; Page: 11; GSU roll: 6096566."
  4. [S3] 1901 Census for England & Wales (online image) "Class: RG13; Piece: 1761; Folio: 45; Page: 12."