PR or BT | Country | County | Parish | Solemnized at | Denomination | Licence or Banns | Date of Marriage | Forename(s) (Groom) | Surname (Groom) | Family Reference (Groom) | Personal Reference (Groom) | Age (Groom) | Condition (Groom) | Occupation (Groom) | Residence (Groom) | Forename(s) (Bride) | Surname (Bride) | Family Reference (Bride) | Maidenname (Bride) | Personal Reference (Bride) | Age (Bride) | Condition (Bride) | Occupation (Bride) | Residence (Bride) | Forename(s) (Groom's father) | Surname (Groom's father) | Family Reference (Groom's father) | Personal Reference (Groom's father) | Occupation (Groom's father) | Forename(s) (Bride's father) | Surname (Bride's father) | Family Reference (Bride's father) | Personal Reference (Bride's father) | Occupation (Bride's father) | Forename(s) (Witness1) | Surname (Witness1) | Family Reference (Witness1) | Personal Reference (Witness1) | Forename(s) (Witness2) | Surname (Witness2) | Family Reference (Witness2) | Personal Reference (Witness2) | Forename(s) (Witness3) | Surname (Witness3) | Family Reference (Witness3) | Personal Reference (Witness3) | Forename(s) (Witness4) | Surname (Witness4) | Family Reference (Witness4) | Personal Reference (Witness4) | Vicar's Name | Notes | Document Reference | ONS / OPS | Formatted date of marriage |
PR | ENG | SFK | Debenham | St. Mary Magdalene | Church Of England | Banns | 06 Apr 1849 | Alfred | LONG | LONG | ... | Full | B | Labourer | Debenham | Anne | EXWORTH | EXWORTH | EXWORTH | ... | Full | S | ... | Debenham | Thomas | LONG | LONG | ... | Labourer | Thomas | EXWORTH | EXWORTH | ... | Labourer | Edgar | BUTCHER | BUTCHER | ... | Emma | SPALL | SPALL | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | James Bedingfield | ... | Fiche 25 | OPS | 18490406 |