CountryCountyParishDate of RecordType of RecordForename(s) (Main)Surname (Main)Family Reference (Main)Personal Reference (Main)Document textNotesRepositoryDocument ReferenceONS / OPSFormatted Date of Record
ENGSFKDebenham03 Nov 1752Removal ordersGilesBUTCHERBUTCHER...Removal order: Giles Butcher, from East Danyland (Essex) to Debenham...Ipswich Record OfficeFB47/G3/58OPS17521103
ENGSFKDebenham26 Oct 1810BastardySusanBUTCHERBUTCHER...William Tydeman of Debenham, farmer, bound in £100, to indemnify the parish from the maintenance of a male child born to Susan Butcher, singlewoman...Ipswich Record OfficeFB47/G8/72OPS18101026
ENGSFKDebenham04 May 1813BastardySusanBUTCHERBUTCHER...William Tydeman of Debenham, farmer, bound in £50, to indemnify the parish from the maintenance of a male child born to Susan Butcher, singlewoman...Ipswich Record OfficeFB47/G8/83OPS18130504
ENGSFKDebenham05 May 1813BastardyMaryBUTCHERBUTCHER...Order to maintain a male child born to Mary Butcher, singlewoman...Ipswich Record OfficeFB47/G8/84OPS18130505
ENGSFKDebenham05 Sep 1821BastardyMaryBUTCHERBUTCHER...Order to maintain a male child born to Mary Butcher, singlewoman...Ipswich Record OfficeFB47/G8/99OPS18210905
ENGSFKDebenham06 Dec 1822Affidavits of publication of bannsSamuelBUTCHERBUTCHER...Samuel Butcher and Maria Ary, both of Debenham. Dated 6th December, 1822...Ipswich Record OfficeFB47/D3/7OPS18221206