CountryCountyForename (Main)Surname (Main)Family Reference (Main)Personal Reference (Main)Service RankService No.RegimentDate of DeathAge (Main)Calc Birth Year (Main)Where BuriedGPS Co-ordinatesNotesAdditional InformationGeneral InformationRepositoryONS / OPSFormatted Date of Event
ENGSFKAlfred JohnPARKERPARKER...Gunner121890Royal Field Artillery, 59th Battery, 18th Brigade03/05/1917231894Etaples Military Cemetery, Pas De Calais, France50.53497, 1.62468Son of the late Alfred and Anna Maria Parker, of Suffolk....On Framsden War MemorialCWGCOPS19170503
ENGSFKAlbert George PARKERPARKER3546Driver / Gunner65690Royal Horse Artillery, Q Bty02/04/1918......St. Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen, Siene-Maritine, France49.410603, 1.066959Not on Debenham War Memorial, but lived in, and enlisted at Debenham....On Framsden War MemorialCWGCOPS19180402