CountryCountyForename (Main)Surname (Main)Family Reference (Main)Personal Reference (Main)Service RankService No.RegimentDate of DeathAge (Main)Calc Birth Year (Main)Where BuriedGPS Co-ordinatesNotesGeneral InformationONS / OPSFormatted Date of Event
ENGSFKChristopher RobertDENNYDENNY377Guardsman2618303Grenadier Guards, 5th Battalion28/04/1943241919Massicault War Cemetery36.722628 9.909949Son of Robert and Dorothy E. Denny; husband of Isabel Jessie Denny, of Debenham, Suffolk. According to the UK Army Roll Of Honour (1939 - 1945): Number: 2608303 Birthplace: Suffolk Residence: Suffolk Branch at Enlistment: Foot Guards Theatre of War: North AfricaOn Debenham War MemorialOPS19430428